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My Eye Opening Work Experience by Chloe Grantham

After my build up of excitement, my week of work experience has really opened my eyes to a whole new level of helpful and interesting skills on how to create and capture a picture perfect photograph. I came to Christina knowing a few things about photography but not a lot and not in great depth at all. Since I have been working alongside Christina I have learnt a range of different things. This included activities such as learning how to process photographs using Photoshop, which actually has been one of the skills I have always wanted to learn about. I have also learnt how to apply the right sort of filters and so there set to the suitable lighting and opacity which is how strong the filter is.

One of the activities I enjoyed the most was when I was lucky enough to take some of my own photos of a close friend of mine using Christina's equipment. I had a lot of fun trying different levels and re-arranging the lighting and so on. I am very proud of some the images I created and it has helped me for future references. This helped me gain a lot more detailed knowledge on what settings to have the camera at and what type of lighting is suitable for certain types of photo's. I feel a lot more educated on the subject of photography and I have gained more confidence with experimenting different ways on how to capture a high quality photo.

The skills that I have gained and the things I have seen and done during this week will be carried with me forever in the future as I will now be able to go on to more photography related events and develop my skills. I can proudly say I am extremely glad I picked Christina to do my work experience because I don't think I would have been able to gain such strong skills with anyone else. The environment I have been working has been so welcoming and I have looked forward to coming everyday.  Before I arranged my work experience I was very intrigued into the style of photographs that Christina produced and took a large liking to them. So being able to see photo's being processed and to know how her images were fulfilled was such a great experience to have been apart of. It has also made me realise that I would absolutely love to have photography as a job and to own the type of equipment that I have seen here. It is a true enjoyable hobby of mine to take and edit photo's so this week has added to that hugely. Here are a few more of the photographs I produced.

I really like how this photo has turned out, I love the use of different angles that Christina introduced me too. Different angles are made by positioning the camera at different levels such as above the subject level or at the bottom of the subject. It's really helped fulfill the image I wanted which was an urban/rock style.

This is one of my favorite photographs, I just love this pose and after quite a few attempts I got the crop much better than the first version I made of this image.

This may not appeal to everyone but it really does to me because I like the facial structure and the basic pose and expression. It gives it an unusual/edgy look.

With this photo it took a lot of decision making to know whether I wanted it to be in black and white but I am very happy and proud with what the outcome of my decision was.

Overall I am extremely pleased and proud of these images that I produced, and I am very excited to try similar things in the future.I will honestly miss being able to come to work alongside Christina and having the opportunity of having the access to the high level of equipment and doing something I adore everyday. I feel honoured to have been able to have attend Christina Lauder's photography studio I am very greatful to have been accepted to for this week. I will always remember it and it will be one of my many loved memories :)


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