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Baby Sienna

Shortly before Christmas I had the joy of photographing a very young little girl.  She was perhaps a little older than I would have liked but with patience we still managed to get most of the shots I was hoping for, even the lovely propped up on elbows pose which is one of my favourite poses for wee ones.  As I've said before, less than 2 weeks is ideal for this type of shoot as baby is still so sleepy. 

I also got the chance to use my new prop, a bed.  I didn't though get to use the new (old) pram I recently bought from the Peterborough Antiques fair.  That will have to wait till the next shoot. 

I always get the required photos first and if time and baby permit I try something for myself.  Well although we had the time, Sienna just wasn't that keen on being moved about.  She was more interested in milk and Mummy.  I was beginning to feel cruel every time we moved her.  It had me wondering if she comes back when she's older will she have an uncomfortable feeling when she comes to the studio and not understand why.

I even managed to get one of Mum this time.  I just love seeing the look of love in a mother's eyes when they look at their new baby.  This is something I really wish I had of me with my daughter so she could see how much I loved her right from the start. 

Mum and Dad had expressed an interest in a 9 in 1 arrangement but as Mum had brought many props to be added to the photos I came up with the idea of including 16 images instead so that I could include some of the special items given as gifts.  Thankfully the idea worked and my clients choose the perfect frame for it.  I'll be photographing this one when it comes back from the framers to share with you later.


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