Well again it has been a while since I last updated the blog. It was just crazy busy in the lead up to Christmas, with completing all outstanding orders and completing work on the studio. It is yet another New Year's resolution that I maintain this blog on a more regular basis. It is my goal that this year there will be no need for apologies for any lengthy absences.
Since the completion of the studio I can already feel my life turning around. I feel happier, less stressed and much more organised, both personally and professionally. Our home is becoming a home again, now that all the photography gear has been moved out. And now I am able to store all my photography gear in one place it is making my life much simpler. I now know exactly where everything is and it is at my finger tips. What a difference this is making to my life. As I read the Facebook statuses of friends moaning about Mondays and getting back to work I actually find myself looking forward to going to work.
Especially when I have a view like this. I am going to love looking out this window, in winter when the snow is falling, in spring when all the blosoms are popping up, in summer when everything is in full bloom, and in autumn when the leaves change colour. So much to see and now I will actually be able to see it.
Admittedly, we still have some work to do. The window isn't complete (but scheduled to be done on January 23rd, I can't wait. And the garden needs a little work too. But I think we'll wait until the snow thaws before we tackle that job.

Admittedly, we still have some work to do. The window isn't complete (but scheduled to be done on January 23rd, I can't wait. And the garden needs a little work too. But I think we'll wait until the snow thaws before we tackle that job.

And here is the view of our shooting space. Its not the largest studio in the world but it suits me just fine. Having done a few sessions in here already I am more than happy with what I've got to work with. Of course it could always be bigger, but I know that no matter how big it was, I'd always wish is was just a little bit bigger.
Well I already have plenty more to blog in the coming weeks so hopefully this will prove to be a year worth blogging about. I hope you'll come back again to see what we're up to.