I recently had the opportunity of photographing India in her gorgeous white bedroom. It was an ideal environment for my naturals range of images and India was an ideal subject as she is so naturally beautiful with a smile that can light up a room. Her bedroom is decorated entirely in white with the only colour coming from the few accessories and personal effects dotted around the room. The results were exactly what I had hoped for. I have been so pleased.

I used nothing more than window light and a reflector to achieve the images you see here. I wanted to keep the ambience of the room without losing the atmosphere by using a flash. These have become some of my all time favorites and will probably always be a part of my portfolio.
This is something I hope to do more of with my clients. It is relaxing and enjoyable for not only my subjects but myself as well. Perhaps more importantly though, it captures both the child and their environment which typically changes as often as the child. And their rooms hold memories that a studio portrait could never represent. I sincerely hope this addition to my range of products will prove to be a popular one and I look forward to many more opportunities such as this one.

Loved your 'Naturals' in the playgroup too. You certainly seem happy operating in this way and it shows in the results :-)
Congrats on the wedding btw - far braver than me!