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Its a Dog's Life

When life gets tough I always look at dogs or my cats and think how lucky they are. I know not all are treated well but those lucky enough to be in a good home, like the ones who come into my studio, have a really great life. They look so happy and its a wonderful thing to see. 

I honestly love photographing dogs. They are a joy to work with and its almost impossible to produce a bad portrait of a dog which does of course make my life a little easier. I am someone who really needs to love the work I create. I can't help but love the portraits I've created of all the dogs I've photographed over the years. And this shoot was certainly no exception.

I found it a real pleasure using a lighter background this time too. I do often gravitate towards darker looks but seeing as this dog had a light coloured coat I thought I'd produce lighter images. This gave me the chance to use a canvas I painted a couple of years ago but never really used and I absolutely love it now. I don't know what I was waiting for. I'll definitely be using this again.

I have a large selection of props to choose from which always go down well with my clients. The suitcase below was a particular favourite. For some reason dogs look so sweet sitting inside things like this.

The tail on this little boy was just wonderful. We got some lucky shots with it and I say lucky because this dog was wagging it like mad throughout the session so it was often flying all over the place. I love how it hangs in the portrait above.

We each loved the single paw resting on the edge of the box here. I was so pleased to get eye contact as well. Eye contact is almost always an aim of mine as I think it can make all the difference in a beautiful portrait.

The other rewarding factor when photographing dogs is their owners all seem to be lovely too. We get on so well and have such a relaxing time (well sometimes the one helping pose the dog isn't quite as relaxed. They do have a bit of work to do in getting their dogs to sit on our props). But we have fun and I always leave time for a coffee and at a chat at the end where we can all take a moment to relax.

If you have a dog you love and would love to have a portrait like one of these please get in touch. My contact details are below if you'd like to book or find out more.



Clipping Path said…
Wonderful Tutorial, thanks for putting this together! This is obviously one great post. Thanks for the valuable information.

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