I've been wanting to do something like this for some time now but have never really had the opportunity to do it. Funnily enough, women don't often want to be in pictures. It tends to be that I do a full family group shot or children only. So this was something different. And as it happens to be approaching Mother's Day I thought it was as good a time as any to run a promotion for just such portraits.

Years ago I went to another studio to have a family portrait done of my own family and while I was there I chose to have one done of myself with my then 2 year old daughter. But I didn't get what I wanted. It didn't have the emotion or the connection I wanted to capture with my daughter. It was more just a snap shot of us smiling for the camera. I bought the photo as it was meant to be a gift for my mother but I didn't buy one for me. I regret not ever having something like this done of myself with my now 13 year old daughter. And maybe one day I'll get the courage to book a photographer and do one before its too late. For now though I am going to stick to offering this to my clients. But I think I will set this as a goal for myself for 2017. I already have the photographer in mind. I'm sure it will be a valuable experience for me too, to be on the other side of the camera.

During this session we also took the opportunity to photograph Mum in her wedding dress and I thought it was another opportunity to photograph the 2 together. I love this image and can only imagine how valuable this sort of portrait will become in years to come. We actually did a selection of individual portraits of each during this session, which was actually our main aim and I'll be sharing some of those in the next blog post.
So now I'd like to provide an offer to you that I hope you will appreciate. From now and until Mother's Day either book a session or buy a voucher for a session for the promotional price of just £50. This will include the session fee and a mounted fine art 8x10 print which is a savings of £110 from our usual prices. This will make a wonderful Mother's Day gift for many I'm sure.
To find out more, to book a session or to purchase a voucher please get in touch through either our website
here or contact us on Facebook
here. We look forward to hearing from you.