This is an area of photography I've been wanting to do for years. While we worked out of our home it just wasn't feasible. Since we built the studio, however, it has become a very promising aspiration of mine. And this week I managed to get the nerve to have a go with two willing and very helpful and beautiful women.
Actually I think it took a bit of nerve from us all as neither of these women are models, nor had they done this sort of thing before.
I couldn't be happier with the results. In some ways it was much easier than I had anticipated and in others it was much more difficult. Dealing with semi-nudity wasn't uncomfortable at all but thinking up poses and understanding how to position the lights took a little more work.
Its certainly not as simple as 'just look at someone elses photo and duplicate it'. Not to mention that I want to be original. Originality isn't easy when the number of photographers in this world is growing at an exponential rate. And when you spend hours studying other people's work it can be hard to get their images out of your head in order to create your own.
In addition to achieving images that I am very proud to call my own, this exercise appears to have gone a long way to boosting the confidence of my clients as well . This too was an ambition of mine. It is not just about the photography but also about a boost in self-esteem. When you get to see yourself through someone else's eyes and realise that you are beautiful, that has to go a long way to making a difference to a person's self belief and confidence.
So take a chance, do something different for yourself. Be a model for a day and see what we can do for you. It might just give you the boost you've been after. This experience could prove to be an empowering one that may even change your life. In the process, give yourself something to cherish for the rest of your life.
All in all this was an incredibly enjoyable experience and I am very much looking forward to my next chance to do this again, which is already booked in for early May, but this time it is with a man. I can't wait to see what I can come up with during that session.
If this is something you've always wanted to do please get in touch with us and we can schedule an appointment for a free consultation to discuss your wishes and get to know each other a little before making any decisions.