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Portraits of a Newborn Baby Girl and Her Family

Its always so nice when a family return to have their latest addition photographed in the same way as their first child. Its a great feeling knowing they cherished my work so much the first time that they want to come back to continue the tradition.

I also love it when I'm given permission to share the portraits I've created. Its not often that I'm asked not to share but I never take this opportunity for granted because I know how sensitive people can be about sharing personal moments. And I'm especially grateful here for being allowed to share some of the more intimate ones. Although I always ask permission to share the standard stuff I create, I always make it known that I am fine with and fully understand if there are any private portraits that should remain so. In this case I was given full permission to share everything and I'm so pleased to get the chance to show some of the other work we can do for families.

I really love how skin tones turn out in these black and white images. And I remember from having my own baby how nice it was to have skin to skin contact and how precious those moments were to me. I never took the time to find a photographer back then (nearly 12 years ago) and I really wish I had.  I have very few photographs of me with my daughter and what I do have are no where near the quality you can see here. This is something I will always regret.

Creating images such as the baby on the weighing scales and in the pram is so much fun for me.  I think they have such an artistic feel to them making me feel like so much more than a photographer. I feel like the artist I've always wanted to be. Again, these are the sort of images I wish I had of my own baby. I have artistic pieces of her as a child but nothing from when she was this little.

If you or someone you know is looking for baby portraits such as these please get in touch as soon as possible to ensure we can fit you in. Baby portraits taken at the newborn stage are best done within the first 10 days. It is much easier for everyone and it usually means both Mum and Dad can attend before Dad needs to return to work. I've been told many times before that watching the session is quite enjoyable for the parents and they are glad they didn't miss out.

To get in touch either ring us on 01455 611069 or contact me via our website here. You are welcome to come in for a no obligation consultation to discuss your requirements and to hear about how it all works. Its also a good opportunity to get to know each other a little.


Helen said…
Thank you so much Christina. The portraits are all stunning.
You're very welcome Helen. Glad I could produce something for you a second time.

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