I recently have a lovely, albeit incredibly lively, session with 2 families of children for a long awaited portrait for their grandmother. I had already photographed one of the sets of children a couple of years ago and now they were back with their cousins. You may recognise the two boys from the portrait on the Union Flag beanbag. I always knew that keeping these children sitting still for the required length of time (for me to achieve the perfection I am always looking for) was always going to be difficult. So I needed to act fast, something I'm not great at. To give myself a bit more time though, I thought I'd make it a little more fun for them by giving them boxes to climb, sit on and sit inside. And then I rotated them in different spots as soon as the boredom began to set in. It also made it a little more difficult to escape. It was a quick session taking just under an hour, but it was a very fast paced and busy session, something I'm not use
When an ordinary photograph just won't do