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The Long Awaited Preview Night Has Been and Gone

This night I had been looking forward to since before I even knew I'd ever put on an exhibition seem to come and go so quickly. Before I knew it we were on our way home. Believe it or not its been something I always dreamed of, a night when people would come to see my work, work that I've become very proud of. I would like to thank everyone who came to support me. It means a lot to see so many friends and clients who've become friends take the time to visit. I really appreciate it.

I also really appreciate my photographer for the evening, Mr. Ed Brown. All the photographs you see in this blog have very kindly been provided by my friend and fellow photographer. Ed is a fantastic wedding photographer based in Hinckley but serving clients far and wide. Its wonderful to have these images, first because it meant I didn't need to be worrying about a camera or doing a job on this night and second because I got to see this exhibit through someone else's eyes. Ed photographed this event beautifully and in ways I know I wouldn't have which has taught me to look at things differently, a prime example of why we should look at other people's work, whether you are a professional or an amateur. To see more of Ed's work please follow this link to his website.

It was so nice to see the Mayor and Mayoress pop in for a visit - I created their portrait the first time Jeff was in office back in 2007 and its great that we've remained friends ever since.

The Atkins Building is a great venue for an event like this. The space and light is wonderful. And along side it is a wonderful cafe called Café Espanol run by a lovely Spanish couple who prepare amazing authentic Spanish food. Tapas is one of my favourite things and I loved that I could provide some of that on this night. I can highly recommend this place for either just a meal or as a venue for a special event.

And finally I need to thank the Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council for providing the venue and an avenue for local artists to display their work. Rebecca, who I've been dealing with most has been so helpful and encouraging throughout, gaining me much exposure in the community and finding me opportunities such as a radio interview with BBC Radio Leicester. This has been an exciting and very worthwhile opportunity I won't ever forget.

My interview took place the morning after this event. Speaking on the radio is also something I've always wanted to do. When I was young being a radio announcer was something I quite fancied. I even used to do the morning announcements at my highschool. I was both excited and nervous for this experience. I was mostly nervous that when it was over I'd wish I had done it differently but to be honest it went much more smoothly than I imagined and I only mildly disliked (rather than hated) hearing myself when I got home and listened to the recording. That's quite an achievement for me.

(This image was provided by my husband - he does take photos occasionally, but usually only when I can't)

Here is a link to the show if you care to hear it for yourself. My segment begins at around 02:10. This link only lasts for another 28 days so if you are viewing this after that time don't expect it to work.

Well I guess its time to get back to reality and back to work.  Its been a great week and this exhibit is still running until the 2nd of June. If you're interested in having portraits created for yourself this is a great place to meet with me where you can see so much of my work all in one place. I'm happy to make the trip to the Gallery and meet you there. Just email me at or call on 01455 611069.


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