I finally photographed George. I got the idea about 4 years ago and its taken me this long to work up the courage. George and his family moved into our village about 6 years ago and after having his daughter over for a play date with my daughter I learned that he played Rugby for both the Leicester Tigers and England.
So as my business developed naturally I thought it would be a great opportunity. The subject was approached and George was happy to oblige but before I could commit to a date I needed to be ready with the ideas and the skill so that I didn't waste his time or my opportunity.
As with many things in life, time moves so quickly and before I knew it was years since the idea was first mentioned. My guilt over my procrastination for all things that cause me stress was not helped by the fact that I see George everyday when his daughter calls for mine for the school run. Although I am sure its down to seeing him daily that made me comfortable enough to finally take the plunge.
Well in the end George was a fantastic subject who was actually quite comfortable in front of the camera, much to my surprise and delight. He's a sportsman afterall, not a model, yet he required little direction.
The whole shoot ran smoothly and was over in no time at all. He even kindly offered to come back again if I had any more ideas I wanted to try out. It couldn't have been a bad experience if he is willing to come back again. And I love knowing I have someone to call apon the next time I have an idea which may happen sooner than later.
