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The Latest on the Studio

Well we made it into the studio this week. It was wonderful. Well not all the work leading up to it was though. Several weeks ago I had gone ahead and made several bookings for this week believing that I had plenty of time to get the studio finished in time. I very naively neglected to incorporate the things I couldn't control into the project plan. But even with a delay to our plasterer, parts for our electrics not arriving, a problem with the glass for our large window and varnish for the floor taking 2 days to dry instead of the stated 8-10 hours, we managed to make just it in time.
At this point I was getting really excited. Each time I walked into the room I could see the finished product getting closer and closer. Of course that's when the worry of staining the floor kicked in. After spending all this money on a great floor I didn't want to ruin it by making a mess of the stain.
And what a mess it started out as too. As I spread the first stroke of stain on the floor I could have cried. It looked like tar sitting on top of my beautiful floor. This couldn't be right. So we read the instructions again. They suggested as an alternate solution that we rub away the excess stain. Thankfully that produced the look I was after. Unfortunately it ended up taking me 5 hours to complete and left me in a whole lot of back pain.

But it was worth it. I love my new floor and it is exactly the look I had in my head right from the start (several years ago when I first began fantasising about my own studio).
This week the long awaited glass arrived as well. This completely changed the look of the studio. If only the view at present was a little nicer. I think I am going to have to be a little more patient there though.
Here is the nearly finished product. We still need to complete the electrics and install the wall booms so we can get the lights off the floor. And then there is a multitude of finishing touchs which will gradually take place over the next couple of months. This will of course require many shopping trips. But this is the fun part.

This week we tackle the outside. The cladding is being delivered today and started tomorrow. Another major transformation I am very much looking forward to. Hopefully next week I will have a new set of photos to post on my blog. Until then...


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