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5 Reasons you Should Consider Getting a Professional Headshot

Headshots, or profile pictures are becoming a requirement of so many tools we regularly use or reference today. From Facebook to Linked In, Instagram to Twitter and often any website that represents a company for which you work or own will have a place to include a photograph that is meant to show your audience who you are. And how you present yourself there will tell your audience so much about you.

1. A profile picture is your first opportunity for your audience to see you. Its often the first impression you make and we all know you only have one chance at a first impression. A professional photographer has the skills to show you in the best, most suitable way to give a great first impression.

(These headshots were created for recruitment firm Optima UK who asked to have their logo placed behind them. I think it makes these headshots quite eye catching and they should do their job well.)

2. Using a professional to create your headshot will convey your professionalism to your audience. You are not just having a bit of fun but you take your job/business seriously. You are here for the long haul and not just seeing if an idea pans out before doing things properly. This will instill a sense of trust from your audience which will improve your chances in getting your audience on board with you.

3. Hiring a professional shows people you have time and money to invest in doing your job or running your business properly. If you are using a selfie or a snap a friend took, are you going to be cutting corners in a similar way elsewhere in your business?

4. A professional headshot is going to stand out against the thousands of random phone snaps vying for our attention. In a world where we are constantly being bombarded with sub par imagery, having a professional portrait is going to stand out amongst the thousands of random images we come across in our day to day lives. Using a professional, quality image is therefore likely to grab the attention of your audience providing more opportunities to engage with potential clients or customers.

5. Finally, a good professional will be able to capture you in the most flattering way. Many of us hate having our photos taken and in large part its down to poor posing and lighting. A professional will address this and having you look your best.

The image you see below was created after first seeing what was provided for this man from his company's web designers. The image they produced had me believing this was a mild mannered man nearing the age of retirement. It did nothing to grab my attention or instill the trust I would need in order to invest hundreds of thousands into leading software. In the image below on the other hand I see a confident and vibrant man, probably in his prime, capable of wowing the socks off board level executives. I know which person I'd prefer to do business with and which image I'd prefer to have on display.

For this month I am offering a special rate on my headshot sessions. Instead of the usual £150 you can come in for just £95 and walk away with 3 digital copies of your favourite images. In the case of requiring headshots for multiple members of staff we can come to you at a further reduced per person rate. Please get in touch with your requirements and we can provide you with a quote.

If you wish to find out more you can call me on 01455 611069 or you can reach me through the following links:


I look forward to helping you create a great first impression.


Unknown said…
Thank you so much for sharing this! I just got my blog up and running and could use all the tips I can get! You’re the best! I am also interested in photography and here are some cake-smash Birthday photography ””
Janice Snow said…
We pray for love and happiness to your entire family. God bless this new life!
Awesome photography, awesome blog, all perfection, You are the best!, I love photography too and here are some newborn baby photography in Delhi at affordable price.
Unknown said…
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Preserve your pregnancy memories in the form of Maternity Photography

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