My name is Libby Noden and I am from Hastings High School. I chose to do my work experience with Christina because I am highly interested in photography and modelling. Doing work experience at Christina Lauder Portraits has made me realise that the working world is totally different to what i though it was like. I've done my work experience with my friend Ella who is also interested in photography.
One of the photos I have took and edited. |
Photography is all about how a photo is formed from the camera to computer. Photoshop is also a big part of being a photographer. Luckily, part of my experience was learning how to use Photoshop and this will have a big impact on me as i am taking photography for GCSE. On the first day, we watched Christina edit and prepare for a viewing. We also used Pinterest to come up with ideas for our own shoot. On the second day, we helped Christina with a photo shoot with a small French Bulldog which was very fun and different. After that, we continued with our panning for our shoot then helped set up for a photo shoot later that evening.

On the third day, Ella and i did our photo shoot of each other and the results were amazing. The different outfits and styles really worked out and looked really good. After the photo shoot, we chose our favourite photos and began to edit them. On the last day, we re-took some photos that we liked that were out of focus. When we were pleased with our choices we edited them further until we were satisfied. Overall, I really enjoyed my week. It has opened my eyes and made me realise that work isn't what you expect it to be but also very exciting to find out what happens next.
Another photo i took and edited of Ella. |