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Attention Hastings High School: I will be Shooting Your Prom!

I am the photographer selected to photograph the prom for Hastings High School this year on June 30th, 2017 at Weston Hall in Bulkington. So I thought I'd introduce myself and let you know what you can expect on the night.
I like to think that as a photographer who grew up in Canada I know a little about the look and feel of prom night. Using inspiration taken from Vanity Fair, Vogue and the likes of  Annie Leibovitz and Mark Seliger, to name just a few, I will be approaching this event with the aim of providing fashion type portraits that will capture the youthful attractiveness of the students as well as the character and atmosphere of the event. I want the students to be wowed by their portraits and to receive something they couldn't capture themselves. 

The photos I am including here are along the lines of what you can expect from your prom night portraits, although these were created in a studio environment with unlimited time. I will be using the same backdrop, lighting and editing style, but imagine the excitement and high spirits thrown in and you will find your images will conjure up the feelings experienced on prom night for many years to come!

Due to the number of students and combination of individual and group poses, time on the night will be limited, so please have a think about who you would want in the group photos beforehand so that we can be really organized and allow the celebrations to take priority.

Editing of the images will be to a basic standard (good quality) – a part of the process I feel is essential to create the optimum image. I’m happy to spend more time on a premium edit though if that’s what you would like – please see the price list below. Individual skin retouching, for example, takes much more time but will deliver superior results. (A request to remove a simple and small blemish will be included in the standard price, for example a single spot or small scratch can be removed free of charge however this must be identified at the time the photo is taken or during the image selection/order process).

The price for the portraits on the night are as follows:
£10 per digital image with basic editing (to include up to 3 people in the photo)
£15 per digital image with full skin retouching, as seen here (to include up to 3 people in the photo)
£30 per image with basic editing (to include between 4 and 10 people - the digital photo can be shared amongst everyone in the photo and the cost therefore shared, this is not the cost per person in the photo, for example, 5 people in a photo = £6 per person)

The digital image provided will be a full resolution file with the rights to print and share as you wish. This will be emailed to the contact that is provided us and done so as soon as the editing process is complete. Depending on the sales on the night we anticipate this to take roughly one week.
Sales will need to take place either on or before the night of prom. There will be NO online galleries from which to order. Unfortunately this is due to the abundance of copyright theft that results in poor sales. Individual images will be selected on the night by the individuals themselves and group photos will be of my choosing (as I will have the opportunity to chose the best image of several taken). If for any reason anyone would like to purchase additional images after the event and would therefore like to view what was taken on the night I will happily arrange a meeting to view the images in my studio in Burbage after prom in order to do this.

Skin re-touching can make a considerable difference to the quality of the photo. The girls in these images have quite nice skin and are wearing makeup here so there isn't a huge difference but after re-touching they certainly look more polished and refined. If a perfect portrait is what you are after it will be worthwhile paying the extra £5 for the retouching. If it’s just a group shot for fun it’s not as necessary, hence the reason it’s not an option with the large group images.

You also have the option of having a private session in the studio prior to the night of prom (this cannot happen on the same day as prom as we will be busy getting ready).  I've already photographed one of these girls in her prom dress but in the interest of keeping her dress a secret until the night we won't be sharing those until after the big day. As its quite common for girls to have hair trial days I thought I'd suggest that such a day is the perfect opportunity for a private, no time limit shoot where we can do a variety of poses and even outfit changes to give your child the exciting opportunity of a fashion type portrait session with some fantastic fully retouched portraits at the end of it all.

Here are some additional examples of what we can create in the studio.

And these sessions are not just limited to girls by the way, although I have many more examples of girls than boys. Here are a few portraits to show you what we can do for the boys, who are just as important, even if not as keen to be photographed (although some love it too). 

If you have any questions please contact us via our website here or send us an email to . Alternatively you can also reach me on my social media accounts.


An order form will be sent out via the school explaining how and when to make payment for the portraits on the night of prom.

Thanks and see you at the Prom!


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