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Professional Corporate Headshots with Impact

Here are the images from the actual corporate team shoot using the technique I trialled with a friend of mine a couple of months ago (Click here to see that blog).  I can finally share it with you as they have now updated their website to include these images.  Click here to be taken to 3TC Software's website.  You should have seen the images originally in use which thankfully this client recognised as being inappropriate for their corporate image and hired me to create the replacements.  Those images were poorly lit and badly composed leaving these executives looking so different that I didn't even recognise the man pictured above.  Previously he looked ready to retire and not the sort of individual you could imagine capable of running a company.  Whereas here he looks well within his corporate prime, in touch with the current times and to be someone with a business acumen you can trust.

It is vital that the image you choose to represent yourself is one that matches the corporate image you are trying to convey.  In this case the team felt they wanted a highly professional appearance with an air of relaxed, casual and most certainly approachable.  This company isn't often about a suit and tie so we chose the suit without a tie for a more casual look and happy smiling faces to show the friendly nature you can expect when dealing with 3TC Software. 

I chose this style of lighting because this is something I am continuously seeing used with celebrities in various magazine publications so I see it as a style that is very current, something else I believe is vital to keeping a companies image fresh and up to date.  This is not a look that the average photographer can achieve and certainly not one that can be achieved without the necessary studio lights.  As such, it is important to consider a good professional photographer who can take the time to achieve professional, high end results if that is the image you wish to convey to your clientele. 

If you are in need of headshots or perhaps need them updating please give us call so we can discuss with you your requirements and how we can help to achieve them.  Our number is 01455 611069 or send us an email at


jelly andrews said…
They really look great in those photos. They look professionals but not too intimidating. It is just the right photos for a website or for business purposes.
Thank you Jelly. I really appreciate your comments.

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