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More Newborn Portraits of a Lovely Baby Girl

I am really loving everything about creating newborn portraits.  For a start, I usually get a good cuddle at some point during the portrait session and/or the viewing.  It has been wonderful holding such tiny babies again (my baby is nearly 10 years old now). 

I also enjoy the challenge of getting the pose above, baby propped on elbows.  I think it is such a cute pose that seems impossible to achieve.  But with a little patience I've been able to get the pose every time I've tried (of course I've probably just jinxed myself now).  I can't stress enough though, that this pose is really only achievable in about the first 2 weeks.  The little girl in these images is only 8 days old.  The older they get the lighter they sleep which makes it difficult to keep them asleep while we pose them and more difficult to move them when we want to try different setups. 

Probably the most enjoyable aspect of my work lately is when I am able to create something that I feel looks like a proper artistic portrait, and not something that is just a photograph of a moment.  Piecing together various elements that complete a vision I have in my head is what makes what I do so rewarding.  It makes me feel like the artist I've always wanted to be (but without having to draw or paint myself). 

But of course a session wouldn't be complete without also capturing the typical details and closeups that will provide the wonderful memories from the early days of babies life.  Hopefully though, I capture and present them in a less than typical way. 

These details and closeups make for wonderful additions to a fine art album which we now offer, new just this month (photos coming soon - the sample album only arrived today!!!).  The also work well in a framed collection of several smaller images. 

I was also thrilled be able to use my new pink blanket (images above) along with a new tutu and headband.  Virtually all the items in my portraits are mine and my clients are free to choose anything they wish to use in their portraits.  However I also encourage my clients to bring along anything that matters to them so we can try and include it in the photos as well.  I like to capture special gifts, particularly hand knitted blankets or cuddly toys that may become that most important item in a small child's life.  It's always nice to look back on a teddy bear in years to come and be able to see what it once looked like before all the years of dragging it around everywhere.
If you'd like more information on our newborn sessions please get in touch.  You are welcome to come in for a no obligation consultation to discuss how these sessions work and see all of our sample products.  Its best to do this early so we can ensure we have space available when baby finally arrives. 


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