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I recently had the great opportunity of photographing Joel Hicks.  It gave me the chance to stretch my abilities and try out new things.  And what a wonderful experience it turned out to be.

I tried out new lighting set ups.  I got some practice in working on the male nude.  And we tried out a sort of multiple exposure thing that Joel suggested which worked a treat.  I shall definitely be trying this one again, particularly since my new camera (currently sitting under the Christmas tree waiting to be opened) actually has a mulitple exposure feature.  How exciting.
This session was also used to help me prepare for a masterclass I am presenting at the Societies Convention in London in January.  I'll be speaking on the subject of the male nude and I'm really looking forward to seeing the turnout.  I've been attending this event for years but I've never seen any talks on photographing men.  I'm curious to see how this will turn out.  Will it be well received or not?  Click here for further details.
The lighting and pose in the above image is something I truly love.  Time and time again I keep coming back to it and it never lets me down.  I love the curves, the tones and just the whole feel of it. 
I really enjoyed this session and I think its about time I properly begin marketing this area of my business. Woman have been enjoying boudoir photography and similar for years so why can't men? If they are going to spend that kind of time and effort taking care of their bodies then maybe they would like a memento of this time in their life so they can look back on it in years to come.  I wish I had photos taken of myself when I was young and fit and I actually plan on having some done this year myself before I again regret missing another opportunity. 
I would love to get one more of these shoots in preparation for my masterclass in January.  I am willing to offer this session for free.  If posing for such a session appeals to yourself or anyone you know please get in touch.  The session needs to take place the first week in January and I will require permission to use the images in my blog as you see here and my slideshow during the masterclass in London.  2 complimentary prints of your choice will be given in exchange. 



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