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More Workshops for 2011!!

This year we've decided to launch a schedule of 5 training events.  Our training is designed as an introduction to lighting and workflow or a confidence builder for those who feel they've lost their way or never really got it straight in the first place. 

The day is split in two with the first half looking at lighting.  We cover high key, mid key and low key set ups explaining each light required in detail with time allowed for each attendee to have a play with the studio lights themselves. 

After lunch we then look at workflow.  We take your through importing and sorting images in Lightroom, making adjustments and enhancements in Lightroom followed by exporting to Photoshop.  We then take a closer look at the imges in Photoshop, going over the ways in which we treat all our images.  This includes the use of Kubota Actions.  

These workshops are running on the following dates:

Wednesday February 16th
Tuesday March 8th
Wednesday April 13th
Wednesday May 18th
Wednesday June 15th

If these days do not suit but you are still interested please get in touch as we may be running extra sessions depending on demand.  We can also arrange one to one sessions tailored to your needs at a date and time to suit your schedule.  

The session fee is £125 which includes lunch and refreshments (sessions are limited to 6 delegates). 

For more information please phone 01455 611069 or send me an email at


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