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Our Long Awaited Portrait Albums

I have been very excited about announcing this new product as portrait books and albums have always been something of great interest to myself. Ever since I can remember I have been creating personal albums and scrapbooks from my family snaps and now a whole new world of magazine style photo books has opened up, giving me endless possibilities both personally and professionally.

It has taken many months of sourcing an appropriate supplier of these books but we have finally decided on the one we feel provides the best quality with the most impressive results. So it is with great pleasure that I display these photos of my most recent creation.

Our books are more like coffee table books than portrait albums, making it even more impressive. They look equally as professional as any book purchased from a bookstore only they are comprised of very personal portraits.

Not only can our books include images but you are also welcome to submit to us any text that you would like included. This could be a letter to a parent or grandparent for a very personal gift. It could be a letter to your child, of whom the book is about, so that they can be given an invaluable keepsake later in life. You might want a favorite poem. However you would like to personalise your book, we can work with you.
This book was created using images taken on a location shoot. Rather than using the studio style images the decision was made to use the clients home for the backdrop to these portraits. We wanted something that showed Jack's personality along with some of his day to day activities. In years to come Jack and his family will be able to look back on this book and see so much more than just faces and expressions. Studio portraits can work equally as well but I must admit that I really like adding this extra personal touch to our albums.

This is also a great way to get a copy of all your images from your session. Often it can be hard to narrow down your choices to just the few you actually need, and in most cases budget and available wall space doesn't allow for the number of images our clients actually want to keep. By purchasing an album we can often include them all.

These books can be created from a single portrait session or if you wish we can save your images from multiple sessions and create a book that spans several months or even years. What a great way to see the growth and development of your child with professional portraits in a variety of styles all in one book. Come in for a studio portrait to capture the newborn stage using our classic black background. Then perhaps change the background to white when your child is able to situp or maybe even walk. For the final stage we can go outdoors and create some lovely environmental portraits using your garden, local park or your child's bedroom. We could create an absolutely stunning album with a collection such as this giving the most fantastic keepsake that will increase so much in sentimental value as the years go on.

We hope you find this product as exciting as we do. I am really looking forward to creating loads of portrait albums. I am going to struggle with not ordering a second one to keep for myself with each and every one I create.


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