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My Work Experience by Zak Millard

My name is Zak Millard and I am 15 years old. For my two weeks work experience I chose to incorporate a passion of mine, photography.

Christina is a very competent photographer and a easy person to get on with, she is also patient which was good for me because I often forgot something or had to ask twice about an instruction.

My two weeks with Christina have been very helpful. Though I am a aspiring photographer there is much I have learnt, including:
  • Different lights and there uses.
  • Different light set ups.
  • Key photoshop skills.
  • Exposure compensation.
  • AV/TV settings.
  • Composition.
  • How to keep children's interest!
One of the most useful things Christina has taught me is that of photo editing. Photography isn't all about taking the pictures though obviously this is important. The little tweaks made here and there make a lot of difference and in all honesty before Christina showed me these tweaks I would never have made them myself, so thank you Christina for opening up to me the massive world of Photoshop, photo editing and organisation.

Another interesting experience for me was school photos. On the Tuesday and Wednesday of my first week, we went to Richmond Primary School to do their photos. What an experience it turned out to be. Being picked up at 7.15am to go and set up the background and lights with Andy was the easiest part. After the first few classes Andy left, leaving me in charge of organising the siblings and the classes. It was very daunting and confusing at first but surprisingly I enjoyed it. Working as a photographers assistant felt good and seeing the really nice photos after made all the loud noise and stress worth it!

I also was given the amazing opportunity of co-ordinating my own shoot using all the studio equipment and Christina's Canon EOS 5D, which i have fallen in love with. My family came in and I co-ordinated the shoot while Christina assisted me when I got stuck for ideas or needed light adjustments. Thank you again for the amazing opportunity and for trusting me with your awesome camera, lens and lights!
I have thoroughly enjoyed my two weeks and I hope Christina, although falling behind on work, has enjoyed having me.
These past two weeks have strengthened my resolve to be as good a photographer, hopefully as Christina and also like Christina, make it my occupation.
I will take all the things I have learnt at Christina's and work on them and work on the things Christina has pointed out I need to work on like my organisation!
So thank you again for 1. Having me 2.Teaching me so much and 3. The cheese toasties!
Zak Millard - William Bradford Community College 6th October - 17th October 2008


Zak, it has been a great couple of weeks working with you. Your enthusiasm was very infectious and it was such a pleasure to be able to share company with someone who's passion for photography is as big as mine.

You've picked up the editing side of things very well. Keep practicing so that you don't forget what you've learned.

You did well on your first shoot. Your family have some lovely photos to take away from this experience. Keep taking photos. Read magazines, troll through websites and take more photos. Practice makes perfect.

Good luck with your career and I am sure we will see each other again.


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